BBA: East Africa Saves Annabel Again

July 22, 2013

For the umpteenth time, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania came to the rescue of Annabel Mbaru, who was up for eviction last week.
Annabel garnered 3 votes, just like she has, all those past weeks.

Zimbabwe’s Pokello was not as lucky, and so was Sierra Leone’s Bassey. 
This is how Africa voted.

Angola: Angelo
Botswana: Angelo
Ghana: Pokello
Kenya: Annabel
Ethiopia: Dillish
Malawi: Dillish
Namibia: Dillish
Nigeria: Bassey
South Africa: Angelo
Sierra Leone: Bassey
Tanzania: Annabel
Uganda: Annabel
Zambia: Angelo
Zimbabwe: Pokello
Rest of Africa: Angelo

Total: Angelo = 5; Annabel = 3; Dillish = 3, Pokello = 2, Basssey = 2. (Total: 15 Votes)

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