Citizen TV Buys News Helicopter

October 18, 2012

Citizen TV Acquires First News Chopper By A Kenyan Media House

Citizen TV’s Chopper [By Jackal News]
Royal Media Services has become the first Kenyan media house to acquire a news chopper. The chopper (pictured here) is christened the Royal Chopper is believed to have been acquired for around Sh 50,000,000. Several months back we told you of SK Macharia’s plans of buying a news chopper to cover the presidential campaigns and the general elections, in this story. The media mogul has now finally achieved that, in the process bringing Citizen TV to the exclusive club of TV Stations with a news chopper.
The station has already taken their new machine on a test ride and they are now good to go, waiting for that breaking news. Whether Citizen TV’s move will push other media houses into acquiring theirs is yet to be seen, but they will definitely feel the heat, especially when it comes to covering breaking news, assuming that the station actually utilizes their new acquisition.
A look at the chopper however reveals that it is nothing like a news chopper. Worldwide, news helicopter come with a mounted high definition camera, with wide zoom range, something Citizen’s doesn’t have. The chopper is also not branded with the station’s colours, and it may unfortunately end up being used more by SK than the station itself.

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