The Kenya Broadcasting Corportation (KBC ), is the latest victim of cyber attack. A Rwandan hacker has hacked and exposed KBC’s database, revealing 2934 account details, ie. emails and passwords. The hacker, who gives his name as Cyuzuzo A., describes himself as a 16 year old, single Rwandese with knowledge in such web languages as: PHP, Asp, SQL, HTML, Java, perl, HTML. He can speak both French and English. ]
He took to his blog to post about his latest exploits and perusing the blog will show you that you are not dealing with a beginner. He has hacked several other sites and Kenya seems to be a fertile ground. Just recently, he took over He has also hacked several Nigerian and Rwandan websites.
Just recently, 103 government websites were hacked.
The hacker gave as the link to the KBC database and sure enough, all the details about Kenya’s National Broadcaster are there. He also gave two screen shots for future reference.