GEMA & Prayer Rallies Waste Of Time, Eric Wainaina.

April 12, 2012
Musician Eric Wainaina has added his voice to the tribal politics that are beginning to come back into the Kenyan scene, ie. GEMA and KAMATUSA. On a blog post titled, GEMA  Does Not Represent Me,on his official website, The award winning star slams the ‘prayer rallies’ (quoted because of the actual time allocated to prayer compared to time given to hate politics). He refers to them as a waste of time.
Wainaina writes, “other than being divisive is actually a waste of our time. From a technical standpoint all the prayers and all the rallies can’t help. The beauty of the ICC process is that it is unaffected by all this clamour.”
In what is surely a thumbs down for Uhuru and Ruto’s presidential ambition, Wainana writes, “How can you be a president of a nation when you have been accused of organizing the deaths and displacement of people you are to serve? You can’t be president of the Kikuyu alone. You can’t be president of the Kalenjin alone. You have to be president of Kenya and the crimes these two men are being accused of are wholly un-presidential. You can read the whole post here.

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