iPhone App Lets You Drag Out Unwanted Objects From a Picture.

February 15, 2012
For several years, photos were only edited using complex and hard to use image editing softwares, like Adobe photoshop. Now things are getting a lot easier. There is a news iphone app in town and it lets you get rid of objects you do not want in your picture just by dragging them out. The app  automatically isolates all objects on the picture and allows you to adjust position or drag them out. For instance, you can take a photo of yourself posing next to that monument you love without worrying of other people appearing on it, after all you’ll put them out of the picture later. Here is a simple illustration of how it works.

1.Snap a photo

2.The app automatically detects objects in the background, allowing the user to toggle them in or out

3. You are left with what you want on your picture.


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