
Why K24 is Selling its TV Studio

March 18, 2016

k24Well, it’s not because they were recently ranked below Inooro TV in terms of viewership, far from that.
The President’s owned Mediamax is selling its former studios after moving to a new premises. Their old studios which housed K24, Kameme FM, Milele FM and Meru FM were located at Longonot Place along Kijabe Street.
Two years ago, they moved their entire broadcast operation to new offices at DSM Place, still along Kijabe Street.
Reportedly, they bought the building for Sh300 million.
It’s not clear how much Mediamax is asking for its old studios, which occupied three floors, but they probably need the money now as the media landscape continues to change.
SK Macharia caught them flat footed with the launch of Inooro TV and now there’s talk that Kameme TV is imminent. Mediamax does not want to be left behind in this vernacular TV market.
Rose Kimotho, the former owner of Mediamax has reportedly shown interest in buying the Longonot Place Studios, as she seeks to grow her Kikuyu station 3Stones and probably build another empire.

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