Jaguar and Chameleon Cooking Something Up?

February 14, 2014

jaguarstudentThe thing about Jaguar is that he is always aiming higher and higher and that has made him the man he is today. He never says never and whenever he sees an opportunity he takes it. That was the case when he landed in Uganda during his East African tour.
Apparently, Jaguar met Uganda’s high flying musician Jose Chameleon and after exchanging formalities they hit the studio, reports The Star. Details about the song remain unclear but Jaguar later shared a photo of himself with Chameleon.
Jaguar is not much of a collabo type of an artist, he prefers to fly solo but when he decides to do one he does it big. The few collabos he’s been involved in have all featured top notch musicians such as Avril, AY and now Chameleon if this rumours are anything to go by.
As usual, keep it Nairobi Wire for more details.

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