Churches Use Bible Verses to Oppose Finance Bill 2024

June 24, 2024

The National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK) turned to the Bible while joining members of the public in opposing the Finance Bill 2024.

In a statement, the NCCK noted that the bill has drawn significant public attention and debate, with the youth actively leading the resistance against its harsh taxation provisions.

The council stated that it has been vocal in demanding changes to the problematic sections of the bill, but their message has not been heeded.

“Kenyans across the board feel that the church could do more and not be silent when injustice is being enacted by Parliament,” the statement read.

“Having presented memoranda to Members of Parliament, it is now prudent that we take the message of peace and justice to the church platforms, primarily the pulpit.”

The Council issued five sermon guides based on 10 Bible verses that oppose the Finance Bill 2024

By sharing these sermons, the NCCK and its member churches said they aim to contribute to justice, peace, resilience, and the sustainability of the nation, ensuring people’s voices are heard.

The first theme, “Enhancing Productivity,” references Isaiah 35:3-4 and Proverbs 24:27. The NCCK emphasized that the primary purpose of government and social structures is to provide hope and opportunities for people to build their lives and be productive. They questioned whether the Bill promotes productivity when it increases taxes through the Eco Levy, Excise Duties, and taxes on creative arts and other hustles.

The second message focused on “Being Fair in Taxation,” citing 1 Timothy 6:10, Luke 16:13, and Nehemiah 6:3-4. The NCCK noted that the Bible warns against the love of money, which can negatively impact individuals, societies, and governments. They questioned if the Kenyan government is exhibiting an uncontrolled love of money by proposing a Finance Bill that primarily focuses on increasing taxes to generate more revenue.

The third theme was “Being Just When Making Laws and Policies,” with references to Isaiah 10:1-3 and Matthew 23:23. The NCCK asserted that God expects leaders to practice justice, mercy, and faithfulness.

They raised concerns about whether the Finance Bill 2024 meets these standards, citing proposals that deny Kenyans their right to privacy, entrench the Affordable Housing Levy, and introduce taxes on sugarcane transportation. They also questioned the justice of imposing new taxes on motor vehicle owners and raising the prices of basic commodities like bread, diapers, sanitary pads, and packaging materials.

The fourth message, “Making Life Easier, Not Harder,” cited Ezekiel 34:18 and Matthew 23:4. The churches criticized the increase in taxes on money transfer services, stating it places a heavy burden on people trying to manage their limited resources. They also highlighted that higher data costs would hinder young people seeking jobs online.

The final theme, titled “Listen, Else You Destroy the Nation,” referenced 1 Kings 12:1-16. The NCCK emphasized the need for the government, especially His Excellency the President, to listen to the people. They highlighted that people are enduring difficult times and voicing their concerns, warning that ignoring these voices can lead to the destruction of nations.

The NCCK urged Parliament to reject the current Finance Bill 2024 and instruct the Treasury to draft a new bill focused on improving the welfare and livelihoods of the Kenyan people.

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