Govt Confirms Closure of 41 Companies as 135 More Face Dissolution

June 24, 2024

The government, through the Registrar of Companies, has announced the closure of 41 companies.

In a Gazette notice, Registrar of Companies Joyce Koech noted that the names of the affected companies were struck off the register effective June 3, 2024.

“Pursuant to section 897 (4) of the Companies Act, it is notified for the information of the general public that the following companies are dissolved and their names have been struck off the Register of Companies with effect from the date of publication of this notice,” the statement reads.

The Regisrate noted that this move followed compliance with the regulations outlined in the Companies Act.

The firms affected include Advaya Enterprise Limited, Aptly Technology Limited, Boomers Enterprises Limited, and Coast Redwood Limited. Enzi Extractives and Energy Group Limited, Euroduo Supplies Limited, Fine Art By Bobbie Limited, Gikobro Holdings Limited, Goro Gudo Trading Limited, and Hadithi Plants Limited are also among the companies whose names have been struck off the register.

Other affected companies include Jambo Eye Care Limited, Juliafinite Investments Limited, Mac Re Holdings Limited, and Magnitude Drive Limited.

Furthermore, Moninga Company Limited, Network Fundi Limited, New Age Beverages Limited, Northern Nabuko Group Limited, and Oasis Aviation Group Limited are no longer active entities.

Signature Golf Limited, Skyline Shelter Investments Limited, Soin Bodaboda Investments Company East Africa Limited, and Speina Group Holdings Limited are also among the companies that have been dissolved and their names removed from the official company register.

Notice of Dissolution

The Registrar of Companies also issued a notice of dissolution to 135 companies in Kenya.

She invited anyone affected to show cause why the companies should not be struck off from the Register of Companies, providing a three-month deadline from the date of the gazette notice publication.

“Pursuant to section 897 (3) of the Companies Act, the Registrar of Companies gives notice that the names of the companies specified hereunder shall be struck off from the Register of Companies at the expiry of three (3) months from the date of publication of this notice, and invites any person to show cause why the companies should not be struck off from the Register of Companies,” the notice reads in part.

Some of the companies facing shutdown include Ara Technologies Kenya Limited, Ase Africa Ecommerce Limited, Bazik Properties Limited, Baafadal Trading Company Limited, Banoda Oil Limited, Birth By Heart Resort Limited, Blue Columns Chemicals Limited, and Blue Columns Farming Limited.

Others are Carron Creations Limited, Blue Columns Petroleum Limited, Clean Bioenergy Limited, Dentkraft Auto Limited, Clear Cure Pharm Limited, Dosco Twenty Eleven Company Limited, and Burnes Microcredit Limited.

Some of the companies are originally from Israel, the Netherlands, the US, and China. These companies include some that have been operating in Kenya since the 1950s and have employed hundreds of Kenyans.

The companies applying for dissolution operate in various fields, including exporting and importing, travel and tourism, fashion and uniforms, technological solutions, consultancy, food production, pharmaceuticals, and transportation.

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