Amira: Jamal Roho Safi Beat Me Up When I Was Pregnant

March 7, 2023

Amira has shed more light on her claims that her ex-husband Jamal Roho Safi used to beat her up when they were married.

The social media influencer first made the claims on social media Sunday night saying she stayed in the abusive marriage for the sake of her kids.

“I held onto a marriage that was already broken, he was the worst person, I have ever met and I loathe him with a passion, I will never forgive him and even if I die today I wouldn’t want him to bury me or even mourn me. I left because I had to be happy with myself,” she said.

On Monday, one of Amira’s followers sought to confirm if Jamal indeed physically abused her.

Amira disclosed that Jamal used to beat her up when she was nine months pregnant with their son Amir. She said he also beat her up when she was pregnant with their third child, causing a miscarriage.

“He did and was actually pregnant at the time (2021) and it was his sister’s wedding being done in my house. That was the latest incident. Let me not talk of how he used to beat me nikiwa hata nine months pregnant with my son Amir…

“This time(2021), he hit me in front of my kids, his parents and his family; and they stood there actually gassing him up to beat me and that’s when it was done!!! (Had a miscarriage). I know some of y’all here were at my house that day. You can come and confirm if this is true…if only I could write everything (I) went through with this man in the past 2 years. In summary, it was mental, physical and emotional abuse,” Amira shared.

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