Tone Down Your Dictatorial Tendencies: Governor Kawira Told Over Row With MCAs

October 25, 2022

Meru governor Kawira Mwangaza needs to take a chill pill in the ongoing row with MCAs, Narok Senator Ledama Ole Kina has said.

Speaking on Citizen TV’s Day Break show, Ledama cautioned Kawira that Meru MCAs could easily impeach her.

He advised the under-fire Meru governor to seek consensus with the Members of County Assembly and develop synergy with them.

“She doesn’t realise that even the budget she is working under is Kiraitu Murungi’s. The first thing she ought to do is to try and seek consensus, to develop synergy with the legislative part of the government because soon she will be submitting supplementary budgets,” Ledama said.

The Narok Senator at the same time pointed out that Governor Kawaira has dictatorial tendencies.

“She needs to try and have a meeting with MCAs, and try to tone down her dictatorial tendencies. When you watch her talk, she seems to be lecturing MCAs, she needs to realise that the MCAs are the most powerful people in the county. Not even the governor, if the MCAs want you out you will be out,” he said.

On the allegation that Governor Kawira practised nepotism in the appointment of county officials, Ledama said this could make her more vulnerable.

“I would advise the Governor to take a chill pill, to realise that she is very vulnerable. These guys can gang up and remove you. All is not lost, these are teething problems, the Governor needs to realise that unless she has the support of MCAs, her budget will not pass,” Ledama said.

The Narok Senator further advised all Governors to seek advice from legal brains to understand their mandates and limitations in running county governments.

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