Omosh – I’m Sad Not Depressed

October 12, 2022

Former Tahidi High actor Omosh(born Joseph Kinuthia) has come out to allay fears that he is back in the doldrums following reports that his family had abandoned him.

In a video on his YouTube channel, Omosh faulted bloggers for reporting that he was depressed.

The content creator explained that he was sad, and deduced that someone might have seen him and assumed that he was depressed.

“There is a trending story alleging that I am depressed. When you look at me, do I look like someone who is depressed? Bloggers, please stop chasing views with my name.

“Guys, think of something you can come up with. You can easily tell someone who is depressed but I am not depressed. I was sad,” the actor said.

Omosh disclosed he has been sad after he lost two friends recently.

“I have been sad for a couple of weeks after losing my close neighbour and friends. That was a double tragedy and it made me sad, just like any other person. If something like this befalls you, you will be sad but it is not depression,” Omosh insisted.

The actor also dismissed reports that his two wives had left him.

“I want to challenge you, just go to my place. If the family is not there, then let me know. I know that they are at home and they are doing well…If you want to know the real story, look for me, we do an interview and I tell you how I am doing.

“I will tell you the truth and people will know from there instead of imagining their things. Those things you are wishing on me, I will use them to fuel my journey,” Omosh said.

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