Kate Actress Ingests Balloon to Lose Weight After Being Declared Obese

May 13, 2022

Revered actress Catherine Kamau alias Kate Actress is on a mission to lose weight and lead a healthier lifestyle.

The award-winning thespian took matters into her hands after she was declared Obese.

“I knew I had to make better choices for myself when I checked into a health facility and I was declared class one obesity bordering class 2🤦🏽‍♀️,” Kate posted to Instagram.

The former Mother in Law actress admitted that she had let her eating habits get the better of her.

“To be honest I had let myself go. If msichana mrembo appetite ya fundi ya mjengo was a Person 😭” she joked.

And despite hitting the gym for months, Kate still couldn’t shed those extra kilos. She however consulted with a doctor at Nairobi Bariatric Center who recommended a weight-loss balloon.

“The doctor was very clear WE DO NOT OFFER COSMETIC PROCEDURES HERE. We offer a TOTAL LIFESTYLE CHANGE. She however gave me options on how to go about a healthier life. Among them was the gastric balloon which I qualified for, (yes you must qualify)…I chose the Gastric balloon,” Kate said.

The non-surgical cosmetic procedure, which costs between Ksh350,000 and Sh500,000, involves the placement of a saline-filled silicone balloon in the stomach.

The balloon takes up space in the stomach, suppressing the feeling of hunger and limiting how much food a patient can eat.

“The balloon occupies about 15 to 20% depending on your stomach size. It’s 500ml. Your stomach can hold up to 3 litres This means you feel full so you eat less. (Portion control ) thus resulting in weight loss,” Kate explained.

“You MUST attend psychotherapy sessions to adjust to your new eating habits otherwise the procedure will be fruitless. The first step is Bowel irrigation to clean up the digestive tract. This is important even when the goal is not to get the balloon,” she added.

Kate Actress said she wants to lose weight to feel healthier and be able to take up certain acting roles.

“Guys, because you feel someone else’s body is perfect, I don’t feel that way. I feel like the elephant I saw in ‘The Ark’ (movie),” she said.

“I have tried(working out) and there was no change. It is not that I don’t like my body. I don’t feel healthy.There are roles I would like to play, that I feel I’m ready for, but I feel I would be more confident and sexy if I was a few kilogrammes lighter,” she added.

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