
Hero Matatu Driver Saves Passengers Who Were Stupefied in Kisumu-Nairobi Bus

April 26, 2022

A quick-thinking driver traveling from Kisumu to Nairobi took a detour to a police station after realizing his bus was an active crime scene.

According to a police report, a group of thugs administered a stupefying substance, knocking out most of the passengers  in the bus.

The driver, Emmanuel Barasa, became suspicious when he noticed from the rearview mirror that everyone was fast asleep snoring, save for two people who were moving from seat to seat.

“But it is the snores reverberating from all corners of the bus that were unusually loud, punctuated by threatening growls that alarmed the driver, who immediately detoured to the police station situated along the busy Nairobi-Nakuru highway,” the DCI narrated.

The suspects reportedly attempted to jump from the fast-moving bus but their efforts were futile. The bus stormed Kabete police station at high speed as officers jumped into action.

“As the bus screeched to a halt, the driver leapt from his door and dashed towards the report office shouting that the bus was under attack. The officers responded swiftly by throwing a cordon around the bus and ordering everyone out,” said the DCI.

“What shocked the officers is that more than half the occupants were sleepy and drowsy, reeling from the effects of a stupefying substance that had been administered to them.”

The passengers had also lost their valuables including laptops, tablets, mobile phones and money.

The officers managed to single out four suspects in whose possession the valuables were recovered. The suspects were identified as Stephen Odero, Benson Odero, Joshua Orengo and Harrison Nyamu.

However, as the officers were booking them, the suspects suddenly become drowsy, incoherent and very drunk, forcing the law enforcers to first rush them to a nearby hospital for medical examination.

It was discovered that the suspects who were sweating profusely, had taken a dose of their own medicine after ingesting the remaining stupefying substance in a bid to destroy evidence.

Back at the police station, the bus was allowed to continue with the rest of the journey, but with a word of caution to the passengers who were advised to seek medication on arrival.

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