Things to Know About Digital Creator Tata Lavender Ikamar

December 6, 2021

Lavender Ikamar is a digital content creator, fashionista, and vlogger.

She reveals some fun facts about herself:

I have been doing content creation for about two years now. I started as a model then became a makeup artist and then branched into content creation because of the overwhelming response I receive from my audience. Now I am a full-time content creator.

Right now, there is suddenly a surge of content creators in the country and I choose to see it positively rather than as competition. I believe there’s enough room for everyone if they are really passionate.  I mean, there are different brands of milk in the market and every single one of them has its clientele.

The reality is the market has become very competitive.  To survive, one needs passion, consistency and hard work. There’re a lot of upcoming creators with each striving to offer something unique to the industry.

There was a time Youtube was the real thing for content creators, then it shifted to Instagram and now Tik Tok is taking over. You know why? When the pandemic hit, people had to find ways of keeping themselves busy and so they needed different avenues of social media spaces. It’s great to see social media evolving every day.  It helps diversify content.

If I were to swap content creation for something else, I would probably be a nurse or doctor.

Growing up I struggled so much with my mental health but right now I am at a better place and that’s significant.

I have broken someone’s heart and I do not regret it.

At some point, I found myself in a rebound relationship. Oh My God! It was really bad. I regret it because the lessons I picked from that character development, whew!

There is a fisi’ saying, that a woman can never be friends with the opposite sex without it ending up with some sort of entanglement. To me, this is a fifty-fifty situation, because some men do not know how to genuinely be friends with no extras. But, there are others who are respectful of friendship and I admire that.

My unwritten rule is, eat first no matter what you are going through or is happening in your life.

I worry so much about my future and pray that it turns out as I envision it.

What has taken up too much of my life has been dealing with childhood trauma because it was affecting a big part of my adulthood until I was able to deal with it.

My tattoos make me feel super fancy, I have 20 tattoos. Can you imagine?

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