“I’m Not a Home Wrecker!” Karen Nyamu Reiterates

December 16, 2021

Karen Nyamu has once again been forced to address claims that she is a homewrecker.

Speaking in a YouTube interview, Nyamu revealed how she deals with social media users who constantly accuse her of driving a wedge between musician Samidoh and his wife.

“I know myself, there is no way you can comment a lie about me and it affects me. I know I am not a home breaker, my intention is not bad. It is not something good, but it is a situation we found ourselves in,” the lawyer said of her affair with the Mugithi musician.

Karen mentioned that she is in a good place with Samidoh as friends and co-parents.

“We are very good friends…we have a child that we both love very much…we are raising the child and supporting each other,” she said.

Also Read – Karen Nyamu Hits Back At Trolls Over Samidoh Love Affair

The former Nairobi Women Representative also spoke about a past incident where she accused Samidoh of physically assaulting her.

Karen Nyamu said she decided to go public on the issue since she felt the need to speak up against the violence.

“We encourage women to speak when they go through some incidences, in the spark of the moment, I saw it was important to speak about my experience. It was very shocking for me,” she said.

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