‘Party Girl’ Kathy Kiuna Hid Pregnancy From Mom for Six Months

November 9, 2021

Reverend Kathy Kiuna of the Jubilee Christian Church revisited her youthful past, narrating how she fell pregnant at 21.

In an interview with Kameme FM, Rev Kathy said she was rebellious and loved to party. After falling pregnant, Kiuna hid the pregnancy from her mother for six months.

“I met and fell in love with someone and got a child at 21 years. My mum found out I was pregnant at six months. I used to hide it by wearing clothes that hid the bump,” she said.

When she finally told her mother, she was surprised by her reaction.

“When I told her, she was very receptive. They told me to keep the baby as people were looking for a baby with no success.”

Kathy Kiuna said after getting the baby, she quit the party life and gave her life to Christ.

“When I got the baby, a lady I was working with used to tell me to give my life to Christ. I thought she was crazy so I told her to leave me alone, but she persisted,” she said, adding that she got saved at the age of 22 years.

“I stopped partying and even broke up with my then-boyfriend.”

Also Read – Kathy Kiuna: I Paid On My First Date With Bishop Allan Kiuna

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