Marya Prude Hails Parents for their Support After Ending Marriage to Raburu

August 27, 2021

Mary Irungu alias Marya Prude says her family was her biggest support system after she separated from her ex-husband Willis Raburu.

In addition to the divorce process, Marya was also healing from the loss of their daughter Adana.

“It was such an emotional period and by that time all I needed was therapy and just taking care of my mental health,” she said.

Mary said her parents took her in and looked after her.

“My dad took me in when I was going through some hard times last year and told me ‘I just need you to exist and whatever you need I am here to give it to you,” she said.

Adding: “My dad took care of me and my mum made sure I ate and slept. She would cook everything for me and told me to stay with them.”

The firstborn in a family of three siblings noted that her parents are firm with regard to their well-being. She also said they are not strict as to stop them from having fun.

“Like for example, my dad bought me the first alcoholic drink. He introduced me to that. He was like, ‘when you are out with your friends, take this and this. You will feel a headache and so on.”

Speaking about how open she was to her parents about relationships, Marya said her dad has never seen any of her exes except for Raburu.

“He just saw my ex [Willis Raburu] and it was when he was coming to ask for my hand in marriage,” Marya said.

“I would discuss relationships with my mum. When I was in primary school, he sat me down and told me, ‘Listen, I know you are beautiful and so if any man out there tells you that, tell them your mum and dad have told you that already.”

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