Negativity Killed Natalie Tewa’s Passion For Creating YouTube Content

January 22, 2021

The once high-flying YouTuber Natalie Tewa has disclosed why she stopped creating content on the online video-sharing platform.

While engaging her cultlike fanbase in a Q&A session on Instagram, the travel and lifestyle vlogger said she misses creating content but her peace of mind is more important.

According to Tewa, she lost her passion for vlogging due to the negativity that came with being in the public limelight.

A fan asked: “You got disinterested in YouTube.”

To which Natalie Tewa responded: “I love creating content but lost my love for it because honestly not sure if it’s worth the negativity that comes with it.”

Another fan wondered if she would resume creating YouTube content, saying: “You’ll come back to YouTube…girl we miss you.”

Tewa indicated a comeback was highly unlikely because she got tired of being judged.

Got so many of these… I miss creating content too but my peace is just more important, got tired of being wrongly judged,” Natalie wrote.

The 27-year-old influencer last posted content on her YouTube channel six months ago. She had over 87,000 subscribers and over 3.7 million views since she started vlogging in 2015.

Below are some screengrabs of Natalie Tewa’s responses to fan questions.

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