Thirdway Alliance Party Kicks Out Ekuru Aukot

September 10, 2020

The Thirdway Alliance party has resolved to expel its party leader Ekuru Aukot.

In a statement Wednesday, the party cited financial impropriety and lack of transparency to party members. The party’s secretary-general, Fredrick Okango, said the decision was reached “without any malice, bias or hatred”.

Okango also noted that Aukot, who was suspended on August 26, failed to honour summons to appear before the party disciplinary committee.

“The disciplinary committee convened on September 4 and all witnesses and complaints appeared and testified, however, Aukot did not appear nor did he send an apology,” said the party official.

“NEC has today received disciplinary committee report which it (NEC) adopted unanimously and recommended that Aukot having no need to defend himself be dismissed from the party membership and position as party leader.”

On top of the above-mentioned reasons, Okango further accused Aukot of intentional absenteeism from NEC meetings, impunity and intimidation.

“As a young, democratic, progressive party that is founded by the rule of law, we have no time for sideshows and ego contests. We have an agenda to achieve and there shall be zero tolerance to impunity from any party member regardless of their status within the party ranks and society at large,” he said.

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