
Locals Steal Sacramental Wine After Van Transporting Priest’s Items Crashes in Makueni

September 18, 2020

There was drama at Mbui Nzau Market in Makueni after locals stole sacramental wine from a vehicle that was involved in a road accident on the Nairobi-Mombasa highway on Tuesday night.

According to media reports, the vehicle belonging to a courier services company had been hired to transport the sacramental wine, rosaries, church wallpapers, Catholic books, a bed, and other items to a parish in Makueni County.

Reportedly, the driver of the van lost control of the vehicle and crashed into stalls in the market, escaping unhurt.

Area locals and traders rushed to the scene and broke open the van’s rear door and stole the items. Some of the locals are said to have immediately opened the sacramental wine jars and downed the contents.

The locals’ heist was however shortlived after priests at the Makueni parish where the items were to be delivered spoke with Mbui Nzau Market leadership on Wednesday, warning that they would pray for bad fortunes to befall the thieves.

Aaron Ngolanye, the chairperson of traders in the market, communicated the warning to the locals, prompting some of them to return the stolen goods.

“Some traders and locals said they bought the goods without knowing how they had been acquired. They have since returned or pledged to return the stolen goods,” Ngolanye told K24 Digital.

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