
Kenyan Men in USA Donate Sh46K to Woman Superglued in Genitals

June 10, 2020

An association of Kenyan men living in the diaspora has come to the aid of a woman who was tortured by her husband in a bizarre attack in Tharaka Nithi last month.

The Kenya Men Empowerment Network (KEMEN) has donated Sh46,000 towards Ms Charity Wairimu medical expenses. The donation was handed over to the family by a representative from Standard.

KEMEN spokesman Alfred Omondi said they were moved by Ms Wairimu’s plight and medical appeal.

“We decided to raise whatever little that we had so that she can get medication. We are glad that she is now responding well to treatment,” he said.

Standard reporter James Munyeki presents the donation to Charity Wairimu

Wairimu appreciated the donation saying it had come at a time when she was lacking medicine.

“I want to thank our friends abroad as the funds will assist me to buy some medication that I was lacking,” she said.

The 23-year-old is recuperating at her Njabini home in Nyandarua County after undergoing treatment at JM Memorial hospital.

Last month, Nyandarua Health CEC Dr.John Njenga said the county government had agreed to waive her medical bills.

“The referral system was able to take the needy lady from Nyandarua and treat her and we are glad she is getting better,” he stated.

RELATED: Woman Superglued in Genitals Says Husband is an Occultist: “I Have Never Cheated on Him”


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