
63-Year-old Catholic Catechist Commits Suicide in Kisii

June 10, 2020

A Catholic catechist in Kisii County reportedly took his own life on Monday, June 8.

63-year-old David Gisemba from Nyoero village in Kitutu Chache South allegedly hanged himself in his house. His body was found hanging from a rope tied to the rafters of his house.

The deceased’s son, Simon Gisemba, said he heard a commotion in his father’s bedroom and rushed there only to find his father hanging from a rope.

“I cut the rope, hoping he was still alive. While frantically looking for a means of taking him to hospital, I learnt that he had already died,” Simon said.

Shocked family members said Gisemba was in good terms with his kin and they could not understand why he decided to end his life. They said he did not leave a suicide note and had not shown signs of distress or warned anyone of his suicidal ideation.

The deceased’s elder brother, Daniel Ondieki, said they had met three days earlier and there was nothing to cause any concern. He said David had served as a catechist for over ten years.

Area assistant chief Jared Oyaro was at the scene and said they were still trying to establish what might have prompted Gisemba to hang himself.

“We, however, can’t rule out domestic problems as a cause of his suicidal thoughts. Before David committed suicide, he was seen talking to his son, whom he gave an undisclosed amount of money,” Oyaro told K24 Digital.

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