Chipukeezy Quits Ebru TV in Solidarity With ‘Unwanted’ Kartelo

August 27, 2019

Comedian Chipukeezy has decided to take his eponymous talk show off Ebru TV after he was asked to get rid of his popular cohost Kartelo.

Ebru TV reportedly asked Chipukeezy to terminate his contract with Kartelo claiming that the ‘Chipukeezy Show’ had “become ghetto because of many youths on the show”.

In addition to dropping Kartelo, Ebru also wanted Chipukeezy to host politicians and corporate bosses on his show.

“I received an email from Ebru TV asking me to terminate my agreement and Collaboration with Kartelo on my show. They say they are a bit concerned that the show has become a bit Ghetto because of the many Youths (Upcoming Musicians and Comedians) on the show. They requested that we try and change the format a little bit. Maybe interview more politicians and a few Corporate Executives,” Chipukeezy said in a statement on Monday.

According to Chipukeezy, Ebru TV’s demands are the complete opposite of his mission and passion to uplift Kenyan youth.

“For as much as I respect their request or rather decision, I would like to categorically state that I feel my calling and mission could just be the exact opposite. My Passion, Desire and Vision is to LIFT the Youth of this Country. I feel like God has offered me an opportunity to create a platform for these young people who are mostly from the slams(sic) and majorly disadvantaged,” added Chipukeezy.

The NACADA director vowed to continue supporting Kartelo as they look to move ‘Chipukeezy Show’ on a different platform.

On his part, Kartelo narrated his frustrations at the hands of Ebru TV accusing the station of treating him, guests, and audience badly.

“Our station walianza maneno Mara oooh show imeanza kuwa na ughetto, Mara oooh kartelo ata atolewe hiyo show ati wazazi hawashiki lugha yake. Walianza kunivuruga since day one. Nikaambiwa we shut down all upcomings na gengetone tulete Wasee wako na ‘value’ .. Chipukeezy thanks again ulisimama na Mimi na the rest of the other talented youths na Kimacho Ngumu tukafanya show.. Fristrations zilikuwa mob, ikafika pale adi watchi anaambiwa tukiingia uko tuvurugwe. Every Monday kwa gate akukukosa Vurugu. Our audience were treated badly.. Our guests pia. Nakumbuka mdosi wangu apo alikuwa anachachisha hadi anatoa veins za kichwa ??,” he wrote on social media.

Kartelo said youths need to be given a chance and applauded Chipukeezy for doing exactly that and sticking by him.

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