Hamisa Mobetto Wants ‘7 Children’ But She’s “Not Ready for a Relationship”

June 11, 2019

Tanzanian babe Hamisa Mobetto has dreams of having a big family, with up to seven children if possible, but she is currently single AF.

The mother of two was put on the spot recently after she was accused of husband-snatching but maintained her innocence saying, “Mnataka niwaambie nini, mlichokiona ndiyo hichohicho isitoshe mimi sio mtoto mdogo kwa hiyo naelewa ninachokifanya. Sijaiba mwanaume wa mtu ila alikuja mwenyewe na nikampenda nifanyeje sasa.”

Hamisa now says she is not in a relationship due to her busy schedule and the need to take care of her two children.

Niko single, I’m not in any relationship and I’m not ready for now. I’m very busy to the point sidhani kwamba mimi ninaweza kumpa attention kama ipasavyo, kwa hiyo kuna vitu ambavyo navifanyia kazi, focused on my work na muda ambao unabaki nautumia na watoto wangu. But that doesn’t mean that I will be single forever. Kuna hatua nataka nifike basi nikishafika pale ndo nitafikiria kuwa na mahusiono tena,” said Hamisa in an interview.

She opened up about her dream family saying, “Mimi nina ndoto ya kuwa na familia kubwa kidogo, na huwezi kujua mungu kanipangia nini. Hata nikipata watoto watano au saba ni sawa, I love kids so much. Unajua mimi nimezaliwa pekee yangu so najua changamoto za kuwa pekee yako kwa familia. Ndo maana tayari nina watoto wawili.”

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