“I Cry a Lot.” Actress ‘Njambi’ Opens Up on Struggle With Depression

May 31, 2019

The Real Househelps of Kawangware star Njeri Gachomba alias Njambi has shared her experience with depression with her fans on social media.

In a Q and A session on Instagram, the mother of one said she fell into depression when she broke up with her baby daddy two years ago. She noted that it has not been easy since then.

This after a fan asked the actress to share her tips on how she has dealt with depression.

“You know, depressed people are advised to talk about their issues but it’s never that easy for me because I hate talking about my problems,” Njeri said.

“No one will ever understand the pain you are in and that is why I just prefer to lock myself in my bedroom and pray rather than talk to someone.”

Ms Njeri further said she is still working on it and has opted not to take alcohol or smoke to numb the pain.

“It is so hard because once you are stressed by a small issue, you go back to square one. I just listen to music, cry a lot and I mean a lot.”

The actress said she lives in Waithaka where she sometimes takes a walk to a river and screams.

And when she was asked to comment on being a ‘celebrity’, Njeri said, “Sometimes I hate the attention and there is so much pressure from everyone.”

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