Your Dirty Mouth & Menopause Politics Will Not Stop Me, Sonko tells Maina Kamanda

March 28, 2019

Mike Sonko will not stop helping the drought-stricken people of Turkana because of Maina Kamanda’s “dirty mouth and menopause politics”.

The Nairobi Governor strongly hit out at the nominated Jubilee MP on Wednesday after Maina Kamanda told him to focus on the affairs of the Capital city instead of Turkana.

In a post on social media, Kamanda wrote, “Dear governor, after going to Turkana with your complete photograph team, please wake up and serve Nairobians. Streets are still dirty, hawkers being harassed, drainage pathetic and workers being fired left right like garbage. Nairobians also need service.”

But in a rejoinder, Sonko told off Kamanda and explained that his philanthropic mission in Turkana and West Pokot was not PR.

“What is wrong with this old man Hon. Maina Kamanda whom I respect a lot. Is it bad to help other Kenyans when they’re in need?” posed Sonko.

He added, “I went to Turkana and West Pokot for 3 days knowing Nairobians need services I did not go there to stay forever or perform the duties of their Governor HE Nanok, I did not go for PR as you allege. I was recently crowned the good deeds Ambassador in Kenya by the Global good deeds organisation based in Israel.”

According to Sonko, Maina Kamanda is aging badly and needs to respect others.

“It’s not my first time to stand with the needy and I will not stop it because of your dirty mouth and menopause politics which has been overtaken by events. Inaonekana wewe Mzee unazeeka vibaya respect others, respect your age the same way we respect you.”


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