City Business Lady Agnes Kagure Stations Goons to Man Property Despite Court Orders Against it

March 19, 2019

– Kagure claims to have bought the property at 100m in cash from the owner who is now deceased

– She filed criminal case against lawyer Guy Spencer Elms for forging signatures to lay claim on the property

– Spencer is the appointment sole executioner of the property’s deceased owner, Roger Bryan Robson

– Court gave orders to vacate property in 2015 but Agnes Kagure went ahead to fence it off

– DPP has made two applications to withdraw criminal case against Elms for lack of evidence with ruling expected on Wednesday, March 20

City businesswoman Agnes Kagure is on spot after it emerged a fence exists on a multi-million piece of land she laid claim to several years after the court ordered her to vacate it.

We have also learnt that the property is guarded by hired private security in total disregard of the existing court order.

In February 2015, justice Mary Gitumbi issued orders barring Agnes Kagure from erecting a perimeter wall around the property which she claims she bought at KSh 100 million in cash from its deceased owner Roger Bryan Robson.

“An injunction is issued barring Agnes kagure and her agents from laying claim, encroaching, trespassing or dealing with the land in the applicant’s possession…” she said.

The orders came after lawyer Guy Spencer Elms went to court as the personal representative of the Robson estate, the original land owner.

He had told the court how Agnes Kagure had hired goons who in the company of policemen invaded the Karen land, chasing away workers and started constructing a perimeter wall around it.

“She forged the deceased’s signatures on the land titles number 2327/10 and 2327/27 claiming to have purchased it at KSh 100 million. The documents she relied on to evict occupants are forgeries and not recognized in law,” said Guy through his lawyer then.

It has however emerged the property was fenced anyway and has goons manning it to the extend even Guy himself cannot access despite being made legal representative of the estate prior to the owner’s death in 1997.

The case has dragged since then with Agnes Kagure, a former insurance broker, failing to prove how she purchased the multi-million property but instead suing Guy Spencer for allegedly forging the deceased property owner’s will.

The criminal matter is coming up for ruling on Wednesday, March 20, with DPP Nordin Hajji applying to have it withdrawn for lack of evidence amidst several inconsistencies in investigations.

Robson owned two properties in Kenya, one in Karen and the other in Upper Hill, Nairobi, with both estimated to be worth over KSh 500 million.

Because he fell out with his closest relative and brother Michael, he had very limited options as far as who to inherit his property was concerned

Robson’s wish was for his estate to be sold and proceeds donated to environmental initiatives.

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