
CS Amina: Moi Girls Alleged Rape Victims Were Ordered to Shower

August 1, 2018

Education CS Amina Mohammed has faulted some of the staff who were within the Moi Girls High School during the alleged rape incident in June.

While appearing before the Parliamentary Education Committee on Tuesday, the CS claimed that the matron, mistress, and teachers on duty ordered the girls to shower and report to class.

They were told that the incident was a small thing and they should not make a big deal out of it since it could tarnish the school’s name,” she said.

CS Amina further singled out the Moi Girls School matron who is said to have been asleep during the incident. The education minister said that despite girls banging her door, the matron did not respond until it was too late.

Amina also intimated that there have been previous unsuccessful attempts to violate the girls since last year. Construction workers at the institution reportedly kept writing messages to the students; they would even write on bills.

The CS said no action was taken despite the students reporting the matter several times.

The report from the CS follows claims of rape of three girls at the school on June 2, 2018.

According to the CS, there existed security lapses that could have made it easier for the culprits to carry out the crime.

These include a porous fence, open dormitories at night, dysfunctional CCTV cameras, laxity by the school’s Board to address safety, and the fact that visitors did not sign out while leaving the school compound.

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