Akothee: I Spend Over Sh2 Million per Month to Maintain my Palatial Homes

July 18, 2018

Musician Akothee has made a sensational claim that she spends over Sh2 million every month to maintain her palatial homes in Mombasa and Rongo, Migori.

The popular hitmaker made the claim on social media yesterday as she went on a rant over her workers in a series of Instagram posts.

“There is food in my homes only when I am present… when I travel and turn my back for one home for less than 3 months, everything goes back to zero, by the time I am back, not even one leaf of vegetable! ( mama tutumie pesa tunakufa njaa ! There is water, electricity and more than enough land not forgetting good climate! I have allowed my employees to make extra money from the farms other than depending on salary alone,” ranted Akothee.

” All I hear from Monday to Monday is money money money money! I have been running this homes on my own not able to get a loyal manager,” she added.

There is food in my homes only when I am present, when I travel and turn my back for one home for less than 3 months , everything goes back to zero, by the time I am back, not even one leaf of vegetable! ( mama tutumie pesa tunakufa njaa ! There is water electricity and more than enough land not forgetting good climate ! I have allowed my employees to make extra money from the farms other than depending on salary alone ! I personally work my arse off from Monday to Monday, chasing every single dollar yet I got everything! People come to me with so many ideas and proposals thinking either I am stupid or naive! The most disgursting part is when they even try make advances at me like ( out of their insane mind thinking I am desperate for a husband!, THIS IS ANNOYING ??! Whats going on with tge youths!) Well the first thing I do, I give you opportunity to try run/ supervise either of my homes for at least 3 months before we venture into any further investments , ??? they ran away in less than a month ! All I hear from Monday to Monday is money money money money ! I have been running this homes on my own not able to get a loyal manager ! Then you say there are no jobs in Kenya? You call me for money I have worked for while you are enjoying life ! You catch feelings when I don’t contribute to your financial needs ! Do you know I work too much for me to maintain my status! Don’t you think I got bills to pay too ! Don’t you think I have relatives people dying around me too ! Have I ever asked you to contribute! If I have to give out what all I have then I have to work 4 times what I am doing right now ! Today I woke up a very sad woman !YOUTHS ARE LOOKING FOR READY MONEY ! EASY LIFE ! OHH SO SORRY FOR THE UNFORTUNATE

A post shared by Akothee Kenya (@akotheekenya) on

In another post, Akothee once again hinted at relocating to Europe as advised by her baby daddies, Dr K and Papa Oyoo.

“Why am I killing myself for ungrateful people? Why is the world killing my dreams? DR.K asked me to sell everything in Afrika and retire in Europe, papa Oyoo says the same…today I am completely fed up, but I am thinking about it(relocating).”

In another post, she revealed that she spends a whopping Sh 2 million every month to ensure her expansive homes are perfectly maintained.

“They look good because someone is having sleepless nights to maintain them, I spend over 2m a month to make sure everything is in perfect condition for this homes,” she stated.

She added: “wakati hawajaniibia sana maybe around 1.5 m hapo.”

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