Watch: Eye Witness Recounts Eric Omondi’s Naked Swim Stunt [VIDEO]

March 2, 2018

A lot has been said about Eric Omondi’s recent controversial stunt in which he was filmed swimming naked with underage boys. The clip, which the comedian has since been pulled down from his Instagram account, continues to divide opinion among internet users.

The comedian has particularly been criticized by Consumer Federation of Kenya (Cofek) and the Kenya Film Classification Board (KFCB) who termed the video a ‘disgrace’.

Expressing their outrage on Twitter, Cofek said Omondi ought to be arrested and subjected to a medical test.

KFCB CEO Ezekiel Mutua likewise lambasted the comedian describing him as a clown.

While the comedian has since apologised, outrage is still high from Kenyans. The comedian has also received support from some sections, including the likes of Babu Owino, Suzanna Owino, Juliani, Pastor Burale and more.

On a lighter note, however, comedians Eddie Butita and Njoro have provided the comic relief we all need from this whole mess.

In a short clip shared on social media, the two are seen playing the roles of reporter and eyewitness at the scene of Eric Omondi’s video stunt.

Check it out below.

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