Fisi at State House! Dennis Itumbi Thirsts Over Terryanne Chebet in Sarahah Post

August 17, 2017
Itumbi and Terryanne in the middle at the OLX Soma Awards

Unless you live under a rock, you’ve likely heard of Sarahah, seen a few posts shared by friends, or maybe even tried out the app yourself.

The app, created in Saudi Arabia by Zain al-Abidin Tawfiq, has become a full-blown fad, taking over the feeds of Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

Developed for the sole purpose of helping people self-develop by receiving constructive anonymous feedback, Sarahah has allowed internet users to break out of their shells.

One such internet user is State House Digital Director Dennis Itumbi. The former blogger left a cheeky comment on one of Terryanne Chebet’s Sarahah posts that makes him a legit Team Mafisi member.

In the post, the former Citizen TV news anchor was asked if she is dating a guy only identified as Dennis. While she may have declined to disclose which Dennis, Terryanne said no.

She wrote: “Thought to respond to a few funny ones… just for kicks! ??? I also read about it in the papers sometime last year. No I’m not dating Dennis, we never have dated. ? ( now surely I can’t start saying which Dennis, shauri yenu ?).”

Itumbi, seizing an opportunity to reveal his thirst, wrote in the comments section: “How i wish it was this Dennis commenting….”

Terryanne responded: “Haha!!!! You’re so silly Denno!”




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