The Hottest Stories on the Internet Today (Monday April 3)

April 3, 2017

Here are some of the stories you can look forward to today.

SAD: Former NTV Presenter Janet Kanini Ikua Has Died

Former NTV presenter Janet Kanini Ikua has passed on, Nation is reporting. Janet was battling lung cancer, and it was thought that she was progressing well. Early last year, she announced that an MRI scan had shown that she was finally cancer free.

Verified: Uhuru was a Student at Amherst College… This is What He Got

Since the matter of Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho’s academic credentials came up, many people have been calling for a verification of President Uhuru’s degree. Joho and Uhuru have not been seeing eye to eye in recent months, and the President is now flexing his muscle to ‘tame’ Joho.

VIDEO: Akorino Faithful in Naivasha Chops Off his ‘Useless’ Manhood to Gain Entry into Heaven

Residents of a village in Naivasha are reeling from the shock of a bizarre act by a middle-aged man who cut off his private parts on religious grounds. The man who is said to be from the Akorino faith, chopped off his private parts and threw them to a dog saying they were of no value to him.

More than 200 dead, many missing in Colombia mudslides

Hundreds are reported dead after torrential rains Friday night caused three rivers surrounding Mocoa, in Putumayo province, to overflow — sending a torrent of mud surging through the city. Reports of the exact number of those killed in the rugged, remote area vary. The Colombian military said at least 254 are dead and around 400 more injured.

20 killed in stabbings at Muslim shrine, Pakistani police say

Three more people are hospitalized in critical condition after the attack in Punjab province, said Liaqat Chattah, deputy police commissioner for Sargodha city, where the attack happened. Custodian Abdul Waheed drugged and stripped the victims before they were killed at theSufi shrine, which is named the Ali Ahmad Gunnar Shrine, said Chattah.

Anti-corruption protests continue across Russia Anti-corruption protests continue across Russia

The protests hit the capital and several other cities, but attendance was notably smaller than the week before, when Russians took to the streets in droves demanding government reforms to tackle the issue. More than 30 protesters were detained Sunday in central Moscow near Triumfalnaya Square, according to state news agency TASS, in an area that has become the usual site of the “opposition walk.”

Stranger than fiction: How forbidden book was smuggled out of N. Korea

Written by a dissident writer still living inside the country, “The Accusation; Forbidden Stories from Inside North Korea” is a collection of short stories about the lives of regular people, who live without freedom and under constant scrutiny. Officially fiction, the book is considered to be a reflection of life under North Korean rule.

Tina Fey to white college-educated women: ‘You can’t look away’

Fey called out that particular demographic during a discussion Saturday on access to reproductive care hosted by the American Civil Liberties Union.

Bob Dylan receives Nobel Prize in Sweden

The presentation came five months after the academy announced Dylan was the winner and more than three months after the formal award ceremony, which Dylan didn’t attend because of “pre-existing commitments.” Singer Patti Smith stood in for him. But Dylan was in Stockholm this weekend to perform concerts and the private ceremony was arranged.

Michael Flynn left Russian speaking fees off initial financial disclosures

Flynn’s initial disclosures, which he submitted in mid-February, left out that he received money from Russia’s state-funded television network, RT, for a speech in Moscow and from air cargo company Volga-Dnepr Airlines and cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Government Security Solutions Inc. for speaking engagements in the United States.

Vin Diesel laser cut out of ham and cheese is a sandwich masterpiece

Vin Diesel, the action movie star known for his very smooth head and muscular build, has been immortalized forever in a bust made entirely of ham and a few slices of cheese.

Striking images capture black life on Chicago’s South Side in 1941

In the early decades of the 20th century, millions of African-Americans began leaving the rural South for the urban North in a mass exodus known as the Great Migration. For many fleeing the disenfranchisement, segregation, and racist violence of the Jim Crow South, the industrial hub of Chicago, with growing opportunities in the meatpacking and railroad businesses, offered the best prospects for self-determination.

Justin Trudeau challenges Matthew Perry to a rematch of their elementary school fight

No matter how perfect the internet makes Justin Trudeau out to be, he’s only human. So when news broke last week that Matthew Perry beat up Canada’s current prime minister in elementary school, it was only natural that Trudeau would express the desire to exact a bit of revenge.

All the terrible April Fools pranks brands want you to laugh at this year

In a year when every day feels like a cruel joke, it isn’t really the time for April Fools’ Day. Maybe brands subconsciously realize that, because their April Fools’ Day pranks this year are pretty tame. At least they’re amusing themselves with fake ways to watch TV and hail cars.

Facebook creeping is no longer totally anonymous

Facebook’s new “Stories” update is here, and it ruins the best part about the entire social network: Mindlessly plumbing your friends’ lives without fear of getting caught. When you watch a friend’s Story – which exists for 24 hours and is comprised of one or more photos or short videos – that friend will know you’re creeping.

5 pages from ‘The Art of the Deal’ that explain exactly what Trump’s doing

President Trump has called his 1987 book, The Art of The Deal, the best selling business book of all time. Unsurprisingly, that is not true. What is true, however, is that the book (that POTUS did not himself write) could give readers a better idea of how Trump thinks and where his ideas come from.

4 April Fools’ Day pranks that went horribly wrong and I am so sorry

April Fools’ Day: the best day of the year. Everyone is pranking one another, having a good time, laughing, and nobody is ever annoyed or angry in the slightest. It’s the perfect day! I love pranks and I am always down for a good one. But sometimes the pranks, unfortunately, do not go as planned.

People applied to work for Hub, a fake startup whose smart home device doesn’t do anything

This April Fools’ Day, one joke long in the making about Silicon Valley got kind of out of hand. An Indiegogo campaign for “Hub: the ultimate IOT smart device” got the attention of students at Yale University – so much so that some applied to work at the burgeoning campus startup.

Twitter just killed one of its iconic features

Twitter just lost what is arguably its most iconic feature: the egg avatar. Since 2010, when you signed up for Twitter, the default photo was an egg, meant to “reference how eggs hatch into birds.” Cute. Over the past seven years though, the meaning of the ubiquitous Twitter egg has spun out of the company’s control.

Fox News’ Growing Challenge: High Ratings Vie With Troubling Disclosures

LOS ANGELES ( – These should be halcyon days for Fox News Channel: Its outsize ratings have been growing even more in the wake of the public’s fascination with the all-encompassing news cycle revolving around President Donald Trump. A primetime transition from the popular Megyn Kelly to the stalwart Tucker Carlson has taken place without a hitch or hiccup.

Someone Threw The ‘Veep’ Music Over That Awkward Trump Non-Signing, And It’s Fantastic

President Donald Trump had an awkward moment on Friday when he left his own big executive order-signing moment without, you know, signing the executive orders. While Trump tried to leave, the scene quickly took a turn for the chaotic.

Trump Earns Majority Of Americans’ Disapproval In Record Time

President Donald Trump’s job approval ratings are low in any context, but they look even worse through a historical lens . Gallup’s latest poll, issued Friday, shows 38 percent of American adults approve of the job Trump is doing as president, and 56 percent disapprove. That’s comparable to some of the ratings his predecessors saw.

Gay Men Are Being Rounded Up And Killed In Chechnya: Report

More than 100 gay men have been detained and at least three have been killed by authorities in Chechnya, according to a Russian newspaper cited Saturday in The New York Times. The disturbing report from Novaya Gazeta, which cites government and police sources, follows a week of rumors about gay men mysteriously disappearing off the streets of the Russian republic, the Times reports.

4 Day-Old Baby Girl Among 480 Migrants And Refugees Rescued In Mediterranean

ABOARD THE GOLFO AZZURRO/ROME, April 2 (Reuters) – A four day-old baby was one of over 480 migrants rescued by humanitarian ships on Saturday during search and rescue operations in the central Mediterranean Sea.

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