The Hottest Stories on the Internet Today (Friday March 3)

March 3, 2017

Here are some of the biggest stories on the web today.

VIDEO: Eric Omondi Interrupts Recording of Jimmy Fallon’s Tonight Show, Given Chance To Crack Joke

VIDEO: Kilimani Mums TV Show Trailer

Nairobi Speed Dating Event for Singles Aged 24-60 Excites Twitter

Sessions did not disclose meetings with Russian ambassador

Graham, McCain want answers on Sessions-Russia report

Timeline: What we know about the Trump campaign, his White House and Russia

Tilted towers: Why do buildings lean?

Klimt’s ‘Bauerngarten’ sells for record $59.3m

World’s oldest microfossils found, study says

Copenhagen restaurant Noma makes dishwasher Ali Sonko a partner

The most popular plastic surgery procedure is …

Internet goes wild over a young, shirtless Justin Trudeau

Don’t get too excited about the possibility of “President Oprah”

Japan is planning toilets for all genders at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics

James Corden has the perfect explanation for Trump’s well-done steak

WhatsApp might be testing a business feature in its biggest market

Social media influencers, it’s time to be truthful about your #ads

The cutest great-grandma busts out the best moves at her 100th birthday party

Gmail finally doubles email attachment limit, but it means nothing

Dude applauded for buying elderly woman’s groceries when her card declines

Nancy Pelosi: Jeff Sessions Lied Under Oath And Must Resign

Best Movies to See in March: Wolverine’s Last Stand, New ‘Kong’ and More

Photos Showing ‘Shameful’ Scenes At VA Hospital Prompt Investigation

Report: Trump Administration Has Found Only $20 Million In Existing Funds For Wall

Yahoo: 32 Million Accounts Were Accessed By Intruders Using ‘Forged Cookies’

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