Meet Ciku Muiruri’s Handsome Brother who is also her Husband (PHOTO)

May 18, 2016

Ciku-MuiruriFormer radio queen Ciku Muiruri over the weekend sent her social media followers into confusion after she introduced her brother as her husband.
In a facebook post, Ciku wished her brother a happy birthday on Saturday saying:
“I would like to wish my husband a very happy birthday. 
In Kikuyu custom, we are named depending on our line. Older (and first) siblings are named after the man’s side. The others that follow are named after the mom’s side and so it continues. So it came to pass that I was named after my mom’s mother and this guy was named after her father, making us, husband and wife and our mom, our daughter.
Also in Kikuyu custom, we take that literally. Meaning that when I have a problem I expect my husband to handle it. If cops pull me over, or something needs to be fixed at my home, or if my car has issues, or if I need someone to drive me to Turi to see Erica, I always call this man – My husband. I, in turn always make sure he is well fed, un neglected, constantly check into his house to make sure all is well etc
I am proud of my people and our traditions. They ensure that no one ever gets left behind. Our tradition means you always have a husband, wife, child or grandchild, in laws etc. You always have someone looking out for you. How blessed is that? Happy birthday, husband.”

Despite her explanation of the little known Kikuyu custom, some of her fans were in celebratory mood at finding out that one of their favorite personalities was married. Some blogs were even misled into publishing articles about Ciku Muiruri’s husband who warms her bed at night.
Here is a photo of Ciku’s handsome ‘husband’

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