HEIGHT OF BRUTALITY! Police Gang Rape 19 Year Old then Imprint Their Names On Her Thighs – Details

March 8, 2016

daisyA 19 year old girl is lucky to have survived what can least be explained as the height of brutality after two policemen gang raped her then shamelessly went ahead to imprint their names on her thighs the past month.
However, this is not her first rape case. In her early teenage years, back in 2012, Daisy Karimi was raped after suffering an epileptic attack that left her unconscious, granting a pervert the opportunity to take advantage of her helpless self. After this first rape incidence at the age of 14 years, Karimi is said to have became pregnant and gave birth to two kids through a C-section.
Despite undergoing through the hell of time back then, her unforgiving devil struck again last year on December 28th when two policemen kidnapped her in Muthurwa and dumped her in Naivasha on the 31st of same month after doing all sorts of unthinkable acts on her body. She was later picked by good Samaritans who took her to hospital where she has been undergoing thorough treatment until February 12th 2016 when she was to leave hospital.
However, despite being in the hospital bed for two months, the devil was not yet done with tormenting her as she was yet to face another brutal rape from the same policemen. This time, they drugged her immediately after she had left the hospital, drove her to an unknown place but she miraculously survived to tell yet another painful story.
Daisy is now in hospital recuperating from her recent attack. Compassionate people who have heard her sad tale have said that enough is enough and have decided to tell her story and push for her justice. Currently there is hash-tag #JusticeForDaisy that is out to see those guilty of abducting and molesting the 19 year old get axed by the law.
May the guilty get apprehended and served with stern sentences.
Story Courtesy: Capital FM

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