Reminder.. This is How The Terror Attacks Started (PHOTO)

April 6, 2015

From the first day, I was opposed to the idea of sending our troops to Somalia.
The government used the excuse that they were kidnapping tourists at the coast, but the fact that we entered Somalia a few days after the kidnappings tells a lot.
The logistics behind sending troops to another country need months and at times years to plan, meaning the preparations started long before the kidnappings.
For several weeks, it appeared were were winning, with thousands of the militants killed. This was until the Al Shabaab started attacking us.
At first through frequent grenade attacks in big cities and then Westgate happened.
The President as usual talked tough and promised action, then last week they attacked Garissa again leaving behind more dead. This is without forgetting the Mpeketoni attacks.
Below is a picture that describes the situation perfectly.

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