As KDF Recruits Tall D+ Guys, Al Shabaab is Now Recruiting Lawyers

April 6, 2015

garHow did 5 Al Shabaab terrorists wreck havoc at Garissa University for more than 12 hours?
The army barracks is just a few metres away, yet it was until the Recce squad arrived late in the evening that the terrorists were killed.
I understand that KDF are not exactly trained for hostage situations, but it says a lot when the main requirement to join the army or the police is to fail your KCSE exam.
On the other hand, one of the Al Shabaab terrorists killed was a former University of Nairobi law student.
I don’t want to insinuate anything, but the reasoning behind driving tanks to Westgate and Garissa is still beyond me. Also, the fact that none of the police and army leadership at the scene thought of sending a chopper to Recce HQ in Ruiru perhaps explains why we should raise the academic requirement.
This guy on Twitter could not put it any better.
Meanwhile, this is how a lawyer becomes a terrorist.

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