Random Guy Accidentally Invited to Obama Meeting… Wears T-Shirt as Everyone else Wore Suits

April 10, 2015
TALK about a lucky day. A designer at a solar energy company turned up to watch President Obama speak at an event and ended up at an intimate discussion with the most powerful man in the world.

Vivant Solar’s CAD designer Marvin Futch received the last minute invitation by accident, a colleague known as cc971172 posted on reddit.
The co-worker said he was “accidentally sent to a special round table meeting” and turned up in a polo shirt.
“We thought they wanted a representative from our company in the audience. Turns out they wanted the representative for a special round table with the president. Due to this mix up we sent my friend (a leader in our CAD dept) instead of the CEO.”
Mr Futch has since been inundated with interview requests and still hasn’t had a chance to speak to his friend. The reddit user speculated he was sent as a representative because he is a member of the air force.
“It sounds like the leaders of the company sent him because he is in the air force and part of the speech Obama gave was about employing veterans in our industry. It wasn’t known by our company before hand Obama wanted our representatives (sic) input in such a small group meeting.”
In a photo released by Air Force Materiel Command, poor Marvin got cropped out.

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