@joelenku, @IGkimaiyo and @OleItumbi’s Hashtags vs Al-Shabaab’s Live Bombs… Al-Shabaab Wins Again

May 5, 2014

itumbiIf you can’t walk the talk, stop talking. This is exactly what the Government of Kenya does not understand.
Their Twitter Defense Forces commandants, @IGkimaiyo, @joelenku, @OleItumbi among others are doing a great job on our timelines, hashtagging the Al-Shabaab to death.
The Al-Shabaab on the other hand have just dropped another one at Homeland and Roysambu. Those twin blasts followed the one in Mombasa less than 24 hours earlier. It’s still beyond me what President Uhuru saw in Joseph ole Lenku that 40 million Kenyans have missed.
Since 2011, Kenya has experienced over 80 terrorist strikes, much more than we’ve ever experienced in all the other years of our history. It’s no brainer that Kibaki made the wrong call sending our troops to Somalia… I mean it’s been pretty obvious since Westgate. The question is, what does Uhuru do now?
Terrorists look for enemies and we gave them Kenya. KDF did a pretty good job taking Kismayu and other Al-Shabaab controlled towns, but our celebration was clearly short lived. 3 years on, Al-Shabaab is winning.
I know you’re probably saying that they want us to panic; that they want us to turn against our government; that they want us to fight along religious lines; that they want us to run… but let’s call a spade a spade.
The only war we’re winning is the Twitter war. Our verified account holders, as I stated earlier, are doing a splendid job.
This were @OleItumbi’s tweets yesterday, and my side notes right after.


Honestly… if they’re doing their best, then they must be in the wrong job. Kenyans don’t really want to know how you prevented SOME attacks, they want to know how you’ll prevent ALL future attacks.

Do you mind telling the president that a fresh approach may begin with the sacking @IGkimaiyo and @Joelenku?

Big words after Westgate, big words now. Quit playing the patriotic card… #ILoveMyCountryToo #ButIWantItSafe

Do you mean home, as in within the walls of State House? It’s hell outside those walls. Do something.
I don’t know why we’re still debating this, but Security needs a lot more money.. like that laptop cash for a start.

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