o-LOL-enku – Kenyans Demand Trained Hotelier Be Sacked

May 5, 2014

lenkuIt’s like our own local version of Manchester United and David Moyes. The fans want him out, the management holds tight.
I honestly understand the logic behind the president’s decision to appoint Joseph ole Lenku. The police force needed a manager. Someone who can organize things and make thing run right. Lenku fitted the bill.
Assistant Lodge Manager | Lake Manyara Serena
1996 – 1997
Assitant Lodge Manager | Serengeti Serena
1997 – 1999
Lodge Manager | Kilaguni Serena Lodge
1999 – 2003
General Manager | David Livingstone Resort
2004 – 2005
General Manager | Utalii Hotel
2006 – 2013
For him to consistently land such high profile jobs, he had to be a very good manager. Perhaps he actually was.
But now, just like with David Moyes, the experiment has failed and it’s time to move on. With little resources, and crockery as the only weapons, Ole Lenku can perform. Give him a big budget, 40 million fans and daily press conferences, he clearly can’t.
Calls for his resignation or sacking have intensified, and more so yesterday after the weekend blasts.
Here are a few reactions from Twitter.

Ole Lenku has probably told UKenyatta that the blast was a result of a faulty transformer. – @kevoice_
#SomeoneTellUhuruKenyatta we don’t want to be ‘handled’ you are not Olivia Pope.. No more of Ole Lenku’s lies.. Tell it like it is.. – @LizzNjagah
#SomeoneTellUhuruKenyatta South Korea PM resigned over govt response to ferry disaster . Ole Lenku would rather die than resign – @C_NyaKundiH
@BMGitz This is where Oliver Queen come in en be like>>Mr. Ole lenku you have failed the city.”
I won’t talk about Joe Lenku. He has proven time and time again that’s he’s a farce to reckon with. It’s Joe Public who needs to wake up. – ‏@Buggz79
#SomeoneTellUhuruKenyatta That I’ve just googled Ole Lenku & got results for incompetence. – @kevoice_
@bankrobah If you tell ole lenku to step down he will say ok and move his office from the 23rd floor to the 22nd floor ..”
#SomeoneTellUKenyatta Ole Lenku is the Moyes of security. – @kevoice_
Reporter: Since you have failed, do you think Kenyans will miss you?
Ole Lenku: Where are they going? – @masaku_
If Kimaiyo & Ole Lenku don’t give us TANGIBLE results in the next 24hrs they MUST resign. Not putting up with this anymore.
#ThikaRoadBlasts – @KoomeGitobu
How to Improve Security in Kenya:
2. Pay the Security Organs BETTER!
#ThikaRoadBlast – @xtiandela
If Uhuru does not sack you, Gichangi, Lenku and Kimaiyo can you please resign. #NairobiBlasts – ‏@OliverMathenge
If there was a time to fire Ole Lenku, it was right after Westgate. Mostly for the failure that was the operation. Now? Too entrenched. – @SupremeGREAM
Ole Lenku and Kimaiyo must be sacked immediately. If only for a lack of ideas about how to tackle terrorism, never mind incompetence. – @TheRealWainaina
ole lenku should be the one being deported – @njiiru
Many responsible people lack sleep at the remote thought of professional negligence. But Ole Lenku isn’t many people. #InsecurityKenya – @SaddiqueShaban
#SomeonetellUhuruKenyatta until when will he know that Ole Lenku is not the right person for the job – ‏@kollowmushiri
Ole lenku must go… #SomeoneTellUhuruKenyatta – @DianaRasugu
Four attacks in two days? Have we become Fallujah? Ole Lenku and ‘Sieke’ are playing Russian roulette with our security. #someonetelluhuru – @Ohdongo
#SomeoneTellUhuruKenyatta this country is greater than this ole lenku fire hiiiiiim! – @kongani_athanus
#SomeonetellUhuruKenyatta ole lenku should be go back to cooking – ‏@kollowmushiri
#someonetelluhurukenyatta @ukenyatta just do away with lenku he ain’t helping @c_nyakundih @robertalai – @peetah01
sir its time for ole lenku to pave way willingly or u sack him #SomeoneTellUhuruKenyatta – @Huriye661
Don’t blame Ole Lenku. He didn’t appoint himself. – @FRANKKENYAN
Joseph oLoLenku – @njiiru

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