Prophet Owuor Reveals Details of Night Phone Call With President Uhuru

April 22, 2014

owuorProphet David Owuor was in Eldoret over the weekend, in a crusade attended by thousands and broadcast to millions on live TV. While addressing the people, the flamboyant Man of God revealed details of a phone conversation he had with President Uhuru Kenyatta.
Dr. Owuor said that Uhuru recently called him late in the night and asked him to pray for our nation’s security. He mentioned Mungiki, radicalisation and terrorism.
“The President called and asked me to pray for Kenya at this meeting; he asked me to pray that the economy they are working on will grow robustly and absorb all the youth,” he added.
Apparently, President Uhuru also sought divine intervention in weeding out corruption and tribalism.
The prophet further revealed that Uhuru promised to host him at State House as soon as he gets back to the country. We’re all watching this space.

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