Eric and Fred Omondi Working on a Jam With Grandpa

March 3, 2014

ERIC-AND-FRED-OMONDIFred Omondi seemingly committed career suicide when he decided to leave Churchill show. He has been struggling to reinvent himself with a few comedy shows here and there, but it has not been working out. There were rumours that he was evicted from his Kileleshwa house, after squandering his money on booze and women. Fred is now reportedly trying his hand in music.
According to Pulse Magazine, the comedian is working on a remix to his song gold digger and it will feature his brother Eric.
“We are reworking the song at GrandPa records and we hope to release it soon. I am back, musically speaking,” he told Pulse, ” I might have been down but not out. Watch this space. There is a lot in store.”
Keep it Nairobi Wire as we see how this develops.

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