REVEALED – Three Things Nameless Will Not Do Even For His Wife.

January 20, 2014

wahu2Festive seasons come with lots of fun but they can also be hectic . For singer Wahu, this is the busiest time of the year. She has to perform in numerous shows across the country and take care of her family at the same time.
Last year’s  festive season was no different. She had shows lined up for her as usual and as if that was not enough for her to worry about, her house help left for the holidays. That means that she had to perform, look after her two children and cater for her husband’s needs all on her own. The good news is that she managed. In her blog, Baby Love Network, the singer reveals just how she did it all and three things her husband Nameless wouldn’t do under any circumstance.

 “There are  things I know I shouldn’t try asking my husband to do – he is never gonna vacuum the carpet right,do the dishes, or prepare dinner.” she writes

That does not mean that Nameless does  not come around when needed, she goes ahead to say that he is a great baby sitter.

 However, he has mastered shopping , taking out the trash, baby sitting and entertaining Tumi.

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