KOT Replace Movie Titles With Quail… Here are The Funniest Tweets

January 8, 2014

quail6 You’ve most certainly heard of the latest fad in town… I should have said in the country.
From Nairobi to Nyeri to Kakamega, everyone is selling quails or their eggs or both. Apparently, the little bird and its ridiculously little egg has immense health benefits. Some Kenyans are now on a dosage of up to 5 eggs a day. Mind you, a single egg costs at least Sh100. This is disregarding the fact that it is a third the size of a normal chicken egg.
So yesterday, the hashtag #ReplaceAMovieTitleWithQuail was trending. I believe it was started to mock gullible Kenyans.
Here were some of the best tweets.

Captain Quails. #ReplaceAMovieTitleWithQuail
#ReplaceAMovieTitleWithQuail The gods must be quailzy” hehehe, nice one
Iron Quail 1,2 and 3 #ReplaceAMovieTitleWithQuail
#ReplaceAMovieTitleWithQuail Raiders of The Lost Quail
#ReplaceAMovieTitleWithQuail 12 Years a Quail.
#ReplaceAMovieTitleWithQuail: Harry Potter and the Deathly Quail.
The girl with a quail tattoo #ReplaceAmovieTitleWithQuail
#ReplaceAMovieTitleWithQuail – The last Quail of Scotland
#ReplaceAmovieTitleWithQuail Quails with Benefits
#ReplaceAMovieTitleWithQuail The Quails Must Be Crazy!
Lord of the wings: The quail towers
kusema uQUAILi this is one of the best TTs in a long time! #ReplaceAMovieTitleWithQuail
Act like a woman think like a quail #ReplaceAmovieTitleWithQuail
Quails of Madagascar #ReplaceAmovieTitleWithQuail
#ReplaceAMovieTitleWithQuail Two and a half quails ssn 1
Quail has fallen #ReplaceAMovieTitleWithQuail
#ReplaceAMovieTitleWithQuail House of Quails.
#ReplaceAmovieTitleWithQuail from paris with quails.
The Dark Quail Rises”
#ReplaceAmovieTitleWithQuail – Fast and Quailious


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