Photo by @lmghanga |
The logic of hurriedly renovating the Machakos Stadium is now being questioned, after rains left the grass pitch looking like a ‘Shamba’, as a number of Twitter users described it.
In just over a month, the grass has been laid, ‘grown’, trimmed and played on. The first game was between the Machakos County Assembly Vs Machakos County Executive.
Yesterday, the stadium hosted two CECAFA matches, Burundi vs Somalia and Tanzania vs Zambia. Today it will host two more games.
However, the experience for the players was not very good, and they kept complaining of the poor state of the pitch. A combination of the rain and heavy foot work left the pitch muddy.
Here are some tweets from yesterday.
“byaaaaad” Usichokoze msee ametoka Machakos stadium saa hii. Wanaongea matope. – @Masaku_
Now the works of a hurried and shoddy job have started to come out. Machakos stadium field already in tatters after the drizzle today