All The Hilarious Reactions After Mututho’s Appointment Was Revoked

November 7, 2013

Yesterday, the appointment of former Naivasha MP John Mututho as the chairman of the National Authority for Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (Nacada), was revoked.
President Uhuru revoked his appointment via a Kenya Gazette notice of October 24, 2013.

Mututho, renowned for his harsh Mututho laws, will now have to be vetted by parliament before taking office. 

Speaking to the press, the former MP said he had resigned voluntarily, so he can be vetted.“I have submitted myself voluntarily to this process in order to remove any doubts about my suitability to hold this office,”  he said.

When he was appointed in September, Kenyans on Social media went not amused. Yesterday was however a different story, with lots of celebratory messages being sent.

Here are some reactions from Kenyans.

Mututho’s eviction bash

This Mututho story rings a jeBell. 

 UK knew Mututho Law would also affect him. 

Mututho didn’t even get the time to arrest the bars in prisons. 

Again I’ll ignore these Mututho rumors till I hear them from Mashirima Kapombe.” 

Seems Mututho is not a favorite to the eyes of many beerholders.” Ouchh!!! 

Mututho should have convinced UK to keep him, such opportunities only come once in a bluemoon. 

Kenyans won’t let Mututho prosbar. 

Uhuru revokes appointment of john mututho… hehehe protects his self interests.. 

You cannot harass your boss! So Mututho thought he could  tell Kamwana when to moist his gullet? 

A kalenjin who likes drinking 2 much and hates mututho.,kipLAGERat 

For the second time, Mututho has lost to bar owners. 

Sabina Joy the place to be as we Celebrate the Wise decision by Uhunye to get rid of Mututho! 

Dear employment, Why are you so unfair to mututho 

Our president is an avid whiskey drinker dear Mututho, regulations ni wewe. 

Just head that Mututho is doing a good job but in the wrong country 

If I were Mututho I would find another career where alcohol is not involved 

UK has realized that kenyans r moving frm crisis 2 crisis.They need smthg 2 kip them sane #Mututho 

On the next episode of Catching Up with Mututho – How I lost my job. 

A country of 20 million drunkards, 10 million cheerleaders  and Mututho. 

#TPF6 Should not evict anyone this week,Uhuru has already evicted Mututho

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