Wahu Cried After Her Daughter Narrowly Missed The Westgate Attack

October 4, 2013

Singer Wahu has revealed that her daughter Tumiso was supposed to be at Westgate at the time of the terrorist attack, had it not been for a small change of plans.
On her blog, the singer says that she could not help herself but cry as she saw the events unfold on TV.
Here was the post.

The Westgate tragedy still feels so unreal, like a bad dream that I need to wake up from.
“My daughter was supposed to be at Westgate for a play date that fateful Saturday; but that morning, her friend’s mum called to change the date from lunch and a movie at Westgate to swimming at Laico. Little did we know what was to happen later that day. As I watched the unfolding story on TV, I couldn’t help but cry…cry out of empathy for the victims, cry for mercy…and cry at the thought that it could’ve been my little girl needing to be rescued.
That evening, I held my family tighter than I ever have and showered them with kisses. I could see the confusion on Tumiso’s face as she could tell that her dad and I were obviously shaken.
I dedicate this blog post to all those who have lost loved ones in the tragedy; all those recovering in hospital from this cowardly act; all those who risked their lives to save their fellow Kenyans. Let not our spirit be broken. Instead, let this incident strengthen our national pride and brotherly love.”

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