KFC Outlets in Nairobi Now Selling Ugali

August 15, 2013

Kentucky Fried Chicken outlets in Nairobi have started selling Ugali. Of course they come with a fancy name… Ugali Nuggets.

For only 400 shillings, you get two pieces of chicken, spicy gravy and 7 ugali nuggets (Ugali balls covered in some breading).. 
Fast food outlets are not associated with Ugali, and KFC’s move is therefore news making. It will remain to be seen how many people will pay for Ugali as opposed to the more traditional chips.

Kuku Foods Kenya Limited is KFC’s franchisee in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. It opened its first outlet in Kenya in August 2011. Currently, there are three KFC branches in Nairobi, with another one expected before the end of the year. 

KUKU foods opened the first KFC outlet in Tanzania two months ago, and will soon open another. Uganda is also expected to have its first before the end of the year.
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