Video – UoN Students Kick Out Str8up Live From Campus For Not Parting With Sh60,000 Bribe

July 15, 2013

On Saturday, KTN’s Stra8up show was set to be a live affair. On location from the University of Nairobi. 
There have been conflicting reports but apparently, at around 9:30 in the morning, as the TV crew was getting ready, some goons stormed into the area allegedly in the company of a few student leaders. 
They halted all proceedings, demanding Sh60,000 in cash.

The man who seemed to lead the group was heard saying that any event approved by the administration should be held in the administration premises, but anywhere else is theirs. 
“If you get a letter from Wamugunda, go to Gandhi wing, that is his office, organize that event there,” he said.
He even claimed that the University’s Vice Chancellor George Magoha gives them Sh100,000 for him to conduct the graduation in the graduation square.

Here’s a video of how it went.

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